14.2 C
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Interviu cu Clark S. Judge, speechwriter în Casa Albă Reagan: ne...

Clark S. Judge este fondatorul și directorul general al White House Writers Group, Inc., precum și jurnalist de opinie, scriind pentru publicații precum Wall...

Interviu cu Attila Gáspárik, directorul executiv al Teatrului Național Târgu Mureș

Dragoș Tîrnoveanu: Domnule Gáspárik, spuneți-mi, vă rog, care a fost motivația din spatele participării la marșul de solidaritate din Cluj, ca urmare a evenimentelor...

Interviu cu Ziemowit Przebitkowski, preşedintele All-Polish Youth, Polonia: dacă primarul Varșoviei...

Într-o cafenea din rondul Dmowskiego din Varșovia m-am întâlnit cu Ziemowit Przebitkowski, preşedintele All-Polish Youth (APM), una din organizaţiile din spatele marșului de independență, cu câteva...

Interview Georg Mayer: The culture of making politics has completely changed...

Georg Mayer is an Austrian politician and MEP, member of the Freedom Party of Austria. In this exclusive interview for 45north, Mr. Mayer discussed...

Interviu Marton Gyöngyösi: Viktor Orbán și Fidesz doresc controlul total asupra...

Márton Gyöngyösi este vicepreședintele executiv si  liderul grupului parlamentar al partidului ungar Jobbik. De asemenea, domnul Gyöngyösi a fost responsabil de conturarea agendei Jobbik...

Interview István Teplán, CEU co-founder: “There is very limited independent media...

István Teplán is a Hungarian academic who founded Central European University together with George Soros in 1989. He served on the Administrative Board of the International Association...

Interview Jacob Shapiro. “Eastern Europe should set itself the task of...

Jacob L. Shapiro is a geopolitical analyst and the Director of Analysis for Geopolitical Futures, a company founded in 2015 by George and Meredith...

Interview Mark Galeotti: Dark power depends on unpredictability and seeming irrational

Mark Galeotti is a senior researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague, founder of Mayak Intelligence consultancy firm, the blog In Moscow's Shadows, author of...

Interview. Aram Pan: I think the biggest stereotype is that “there’s...

Aram Pan is the director of Plus 720 Pte Ltd, a Singapore based company producing 360 degree panoramic virtual tours. Mr. Pan received global attention following...

Interview. A.Kortunov: I do not like the adjective ‘geopolitical’ – it...

Andrey Kortunov is the Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) a non-profit organization with a diplomatic think tank profile. Amongst its...